What is Emotional Intelligence/ Emotional Quotient (EI/EQ)?
“It is the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behaviour, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one’s goal(s)”- WIKIPEDIA
So far, we have been consistently stressing upon the idea of Intelligence Quotient in most of the parameters of our life. Latest research suggests that our Emotional Intelligence /Emotional Quotient is equally important.
Our IQ is related to memory, reasoning, visual processing, numerical and spatial skills, etc whereas EQ is related to our self- awareness, assertiveness, emotional regulation, stress management, empathy, self- awareness, etc.
Basically, it is your ability to recognise, perceive, understand, interpret and manage emotions.
Research has proven that people with Emotional Intelligence have proven to have better mental health, job performance and leadership skills.
The term EI has been around since the 1980s, and was popularised by Daniel Goleman in the mid-1990’s when he published a book of the same name.
Having High Emotional Intelligence (EI) also means that you can recognise your own emotional state and of others. This would naturally mean that with a high EI there will be a balance in human relations. Hence, any job demanding this kind of quality will be helped when hiring a person with high EI.
Most of the jobs demand some interaction with humans at some level. Having a good stable emotional balance, of course helps in developing and maintaining our mental health; which will also indirectly stabilize our physical health. Hence measuring EI/EQ along with IQ is extremely imperative in every walk of life.
Unlike IQ, EQ/EI are not innate competencies and rather can be improved with proper training.
Brain and Emotional Quotient (EQ)/Emotional Intelligent (EI):
It is well known now through researches that the Limbic system of our brain is responsible for generating, managing and regulating our emotions. One of the research findings showed that EI was positively correlated with the regional Gray Matter Volume (rGMV) in the right Orbitofrontal Cortex (OFC), which is regarded as a key region of emotional processing.
Another research result suggested that the areas related to cognitive functioning, and the pre-frontal cortex and hippocampus are among the brain areas shown to influence how well we Manage Emotions.
While we are talking about the relationship between our EQ and brain; we should also keep in mind the latest researches on Neuroplasticity that suggests that the brain has the power to continuously keep changing over a person’s life span. Infact, that is the reason how it helps people with brain disorder, injuries or traumas and surgeries to improve over time; since it is the work of our neural networks. Hence the name, that suggests the flexibility of the brain to change for utmost growth. Thus, it is scientifically proven and justified to say that our EQ could be developed through over time with suitable training.
The 4 dimensions of Emotional Intelligence:
To work and develop your EQ/EI, it is important to first understand what it comprises of. It is also important to assess yourself to understand which areas need to be worked on more than the other. For this, you can take a quick test and find out your results.
Training for EQ:
1. Be a good Observer:
When you see and hear more, you learn more. This is how you will understand more about the facts related to communications and feelings. When you see people deal with things in a certain way and observe its consequences; you understand the importance of admitting or avoiding certain kind of communication. This way you become good communicator.
2. Be a good listener:
To be a good communicator, you must be good at listening. To understand the opposite person through his words or to communicate your emotions or ideas through your communication; you must be a good listener. It makes you understand the comprehension and rationale well behind a certain communication.
It essentially helps in times of conflicts, as through active listening, empathy grows and attacking reduces.
3. Empathise:
The more you learn to put yourself in the other person’s shoes, the more you understand or can hypothesise the rationale behind the conversation. This makes you more aware about the feelings and emotions of other people. Where there are less judgements, there are less prejudices and hence a better form of a relationship where acceptance is more.
4. Being Positive:
People with high EQ are very soulful kind of people, who respect and honour what is given to them and always try to build upon that rather than being dissatisfied and discontented all the time. They love their life and try to see positive by building upon their positive thoughts. Such people have higher tendencies to achieve their goals and take a leap to success. They are a motivation to even people around them.
5. Good self- concept:
When you focus more on your strengths and start fixing your weaknesses, you start to see yourself in a good light. Your concept of self- love starts to over power and this makes you more confident of who you are. This concept that you draw for yourself is known as ‘self- concept’.
6. Decision maker/ Risk- taker:
Everyone has problems in their lives. Relying on someone else to help you pull out of your pit is unhealthy. It would be better if you were to take your own decisions to sort your issues and be more responsible. Even if it means taking a risk, you should be responsible enough to take charge of the repercussions too.
7. Be open to criticism and feedback:
One of the qualities of a person with high EQ/EI would state that he is able to accept the criticisms from the opposite person openly without being defensive about it. Look at the criticism to understand if it applies to you and if it is true, then improve on what was said and take a note of it as a feedback to be worked upon.
8. Be a leader:
People with high EQ/EI are generally people that you see as motivated and always working towards their goal positively. But they are also good leaders. Good leaders are people who move towards success not by climbing over someone but instead pulling others with him when walking towards achievement. A leader has the quality of being the lead where others learn and follow in order so that they can grow themselves. Leader proposes such qualities of his to others that it makes the followers choose right path, learn and be productive.
9. Social Skills:
One must have good social skills in order to be known has having high EQ. Social skill comprises of qualities like humility, being approachable, friendly, talkative, charming and charismatic. Someone who shares good bonds with people around him. He shares positive vibes with those he communicates with.
10. Flexible and open to change:
When you are more flexible and not very rigid about your pattern of thought or structure, you are willing to change. Change is a parameter for life and growth. You would not be able to develop if your attitude was not flexible and open towards change. Change makes impossible, possible.
11. Responsible of your own emotions:
When you understand that you are in charge of your own emotions and that they are not caused by other people or events, you start to take responsibility towards them too. Once you know that the problem you have is owned by you, you start looking for solutions yourself rather than being stuck in the cycle of guilt, blame, shame or sadness.
When you start to apply these few requirements on yourself, the result is visible and change will take place when your Emotional Quotient grows.
Want to measure your Emotional Intelligence/ Emotional Quotient? Take this quiz and find out!!